Water Treatment

Water Treatment

We Provide Complete Engineering Services From Design to Installation and Commissioning as well as Maintance,Design, Supply, Erection & Commissioning of all type of industrial & Domestic Water treatment plants.

We provide service water treatment plants produce sparkling clear water by removing suspended matter, turbidity, dirt, dissolved iron, rust, oil, colour and other organic impurities.

Our product range includes:

  •   Filtration :-   Filtration is the removal of turbidity, colour and suspended solids from the water stream. The equipment selection depends on the water source, quality and quantity.
    The various equipment used for filtration are;
        Pressure sand filters
        Activated carbon filters
        Dual media filters
        Micron filtration
  •   Ion exchange equipment on exchange equipment used to modify or remove the ionic content of water. Ions usually are atoms, groups of atoms, or compounds that are electrically charged.
  •   Softeners :-   Softener is ion exchange equipment used to replace iron, calcium, magnesium and other metallic ions with sodium ions. This device is used to treat hard water and prevents the accumulation of scale in industrial pipes and boilers.
  •   Demineralizers :-   Demineralizers are ion exchange equipment, which are used to replace mineral content with hydroxyl and oxygen groups.
  •   UF (Ultrafiltration) :- Ultrafiltration provides macro-molecular separation for particles in the 20 to 1,000 Angstrom range (up to 0.1 micron). All dissolved salts and smaller molecules pass through the membrane.
  •   Nanofiltration :- Nanofiltration refers to a specialty membrane process which rejects particles in the approximate size range of 1 nanometer (10 Angstroms). Organic molecules with molecular weights greater than 200-400 are rejected. Also, dissolved salts are rejected in the range of 20- 98%.
  •   Reverse osmosis :- Reverse osmosis is the finest level of filtration available. The RO membrane acts as a barrier to all dissolved salts and inorganic molecules, as well as organic molecules with a molecular weight greater than approximately 100.

Our Solutions